Donate to SecBSD

SecBSD is an open source project supported through donations from individuals, companies and other organizations.

Donations are used for paying developers, electricity costs, internet bills and purchasing hardware.

The multiple ways to donate are listed below:


Bitcoin is a secure and anonymous digital currency, are safer and faster donation method. You can donate to us using the address below:



Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that started as a fork of Bitcoin, with increased block size and cheaper transaction fees. You can donate to us using the address below:




Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts applications that run exactly as programmed, without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. You can donate to us using the address below:




Solana is a blockchain platform which uses a proof-of-stake mechanism to provide smart contract functionality. You can donate to us using the address below:




Similar to Bitcoin, Litecoin offers very fast and secure transactions worldwide, and there are many exchanges allowing you to trade for Litecoins. You can donate to us using the address below:



The following is a list of people and organizations who contributed direct to SecBSD.

If you or your organization are not listed please inform us so we can rectify them. or

See also