# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 1994/10/28 22:13:22 phk Exp $ # # Makefile for NETBOOT # # Options: # -DASK_BOOT - Ask "Boot from Network (Y/N) ?" at startup # -DSMALL_ROM - Compile for 8K ROMS # -DROMSIZE - Size of EPROM - Must be set (even for .COM files) # -DRELOC - Relocation address (usually 0x90000) # -DINCLUDE_WD - Include Western Digital/SMC support # -DINCLUDE_NE - Include NE1000/NE2000 support # -DINCLUDE_3COM - Include 3c503 support # -D_3COM_USE_AUI - Disable transceiver on 3c503 by default # -DNE_BASE - Base I/O address for NE1000/NE2000 # -D_3COM_BASE - Base I/O address for 3c503 # -DWD_DEFAULT_MEM- Default memory location for WD/SMC cards # PROG= netboot.com # Order is very important on the SRCS line for this prog SRCS= start2.S main.c misc.c ether.c bootmenu.c rpc.c BINDIR= /usr/mdec BINMODE= 555 CFLAGS= -O2 -DNFS -DROMSIZE=${ROMSIZE} -DRELOC=${RELOCADDR} #CFLAGS+= -DINCLUDE_WD -DWD_DEFAULT_MEM=0xD0000 #CFLAGS+= -DINCLUDE_NE -DNE_BASE=0x320 CFLAGS+= -DINCLUDE_3COM -D_3COM_BASE=0x300 CLEANFILES+= netboot.com.nohdr netboot.com.strip CLEANFILES+= netboot.rom.nohdr netboot.rom.strip netboot.rom CLEANFILES+= makerom start2.ro LDFLAGS+= -N -T ${RELOCADDR} -e _start -nostdlib NOSHARED= YES NOMAN= STRIP= ROMSIZE=16384 RELOCADDR=0x90000 .SUFFIXES: .ro .S.ro: ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -DBOOTROM -o ${.TARGET} -c ${.IMPSRC} makerom: makerom.c ${CC} -o ${.TARGET} -DROMSIZE=${ROMSIZE} ${.CURDIR}/makerom.c netboot.rom: makerom start2.ro ${OBJS} ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} ${OBJS:S/start2.o/start2.ro/} netboot.rom.strip: netboot.rom cp -p netboot.rom ${.TARGET} strip ${.TARGET} size ${.TARGET} netboot.rom.nohdr: netboot.rom.strip dd ibs=32 skip=1 if=netboot.rom.strip of=${.TARGET} ${.OBJDIR}/makerom ${.TARGET} netboot.com.strip: netboot.com cp -p netboot.com ${.TARGET} strip ${.TARGET} size ${.TARGET} netboot.com.nohdr: netboot.com.strip dd ibs=32 skip=1 if=netboot.com.strip of=${.TARGET} all: netboot.com.nohdr netboot.rom.nohdr install: install ${COPY} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${BINMODE}\ netboot.com.nohdr ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/netboot.com install ${COPY} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${BINMODE}\ netboot.rom.nohdr ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/netboot.rom .include