Lexi Winter 1b3c07bed6 package: move OpenBSM auditing into its own package
Move auditing runtime (auditd, etc.) into the new FreeBSD-audit package.
Also move the runtime OpenBSM manual pages from libbsm into auditd so
they get installed with the right package.

Add an UPDATING entry noting the new packages.

Reviewed by: imp, manu
Pull Request: https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-src/pull/1197
2024-04-28 22:33:06 -06:00

188 lines
5.2 KiB

OPENBSMDIR= ${SRCTOP}/contrib/openbsm
LIB= bsm
SRCS= bsm_audit.c \
bsm_class.c \
bsm_control.c \
bsm_domain.c \
bsm_errno.c \
bsm_event.c \
bsm_fcntl.c \
bsm_flags.c \
bsm_io.c \
bsm_mask.c \
bsm_notify.c \
bsm_socket_type.c \
bsm_token.c \
bsm_user.c \
# Must use BSM include files from within the contrib area, not the system.
INCS= audit_uevents.h libbsm.h
MAN= libbsm.3 \
au_class.3 \
au_control.3 \
au_domain.3 \
au_errno.3 \
au_event.3 \
au_fcntl_cmd.3 \
au_free_token.3 \
au_io.3 \
au_mask.3 \
au_notify.3 \
au_open.3 \
au_socket_type.3 \
au_token.3 \
au_user.3 \
# It seems like maybe some of these should be installed separately, since
# they're not all libbsm parts.
MAN+= audit.2 \
auditctl.2 \
auditon.2 \
getaudit.2 \
getauid.2 \
setaudit.2 \
MLINKS= libbsm.3 bsm.3 \
libbsm.3 au_fcntl_cmd_to_bsm.3 \
au_class.3 getauclassent.3 \
au_class.3 getauclassent_r.3 \
au_class.3 getauclassnam.3 \
au_class.3 getauclassnam_r.3 \
au_class.3 setauclass.3 \
au_class.3 endauclass.3 \
au_control.3 setac.3 \
au_control.3 endac.3 \
au_control.3 getacdir.3 \
au_control.3 getacmin.3 \
au_control.3 getacfilesz.3 \
au_control.3 getacflg.3 \
au_control.3 getacna.3 \
au_control.3 getacpol.3 \
au_control.3 getacqsize.3 \
au_control.3 au_poltostr.3 \
au_control.3 au_strtopol.3 \
au_domain.3 au_bsm_to_domain.3 \
au_domain.3 au_domain_to_bsm.3 \
au_errno.3 au_bsm_to_errno.3 \
au_errno.3 au_errno_to_bsm.3 \
au_errno.3 au_strerror.3 \
au_event.3 setauevent.3 \
au_event.3 endauevent.3 \
au_event.3 getauevent.3 \
au_event.3 getauevent_r.3 \
au_event.3 getauevnam.3 \
au_event.3 getauevnam_r.3 \
au_event.3 getauevnum.3 \
au_event.3 getauevnum_r.3 \
au_event.3 getauevnonam.3 \
au_event.3 getauevnonam_r.3 \
au_fcntl_cmd.3 au_bsm_to_fcntl_cmd.3 \
au_fcntl_cmd.3 au_fcntl_cmd_t_bsm.3 \
au_io.3 au_fetch_tok.3 \
au_io.3 au_print_tok.3 \
au_io.3 au_read_rec.3 \
au_mask.3 au_preselect.3 \
au_mask.3 getauditflagsbin.3 \
au_mask.3 getauditflagschar.3 \
au_notify.3 au_get_state.3 \
au_notify.3 au_notify_initialize.3 \
au_notify.3 au_notify_terminate.3 \
au_open.3 au_close.3 \
au_open.3 au_close_buffer.3 \
au_open.3 au_close_token.3 \
au_open.3 au_write.3 \
au_socket_type.3 au_bsm_to_socket_type.3 \
au_socket_type.3 au_socket_type_to_bsm.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_arg32.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_arg64.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_arg.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_attr32.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_attr64.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_data.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_exit.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_groups.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_newgroups.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_in_addr.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_in_addr_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_ip.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_ipc.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_ipc_perm.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_iport.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_opaque.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_file.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_text.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_path.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_process32.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_process64.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_process.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_process32_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_process64_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_process_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_return32.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_return64.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_return.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_seq.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_sock_inet32.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_sock_inet128.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_sock_inet.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_socket_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_subject32.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_subject64.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_subject.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_subject32_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_subject64_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_subject_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_me.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_exec_args.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_exec_env.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_header.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_header32.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_header32_ex.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_header64.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_trailer.3 \
au_token.3 au_to_zonename.3 \
au_user.3 setauuser.3 \
au_user.3 endauuser.3 \
au_user.3 getauuserent.3 \
au_user.3 getauuserent_r.3 \
au_user.3 getauusernam.3 \
au_user.3 getauusernam_r.3 \
au_user.3 au_user_mask.3 \
au_user.3 getfauditflags.3 \
getaudit.2 getaudit_addr.2 \
setaudit.2 setaudit_addr.2
.include <bsd.lib.mk>
# Disable -Wcast-align. Casting sa_local in au_to_socket_ex triggers this
# warning, but it's ok because sa_local must've originally pointed to a
# sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6 anyway.
# Better would be to disable this warning in just that one function, but GCC
# 4.2 can't do that :( .
CWARNFLAGS.bsm_token.c+= -Wno-cast-align