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synced 2024-12-22 17:24:23 +01:00
This will make a number of things easier in the future, as well as (finally!) avoiding the Id-smashing problem which has plagued developers for so long. Boy, I'm glad we're not using sup anymore. This update would have been insane otherwise.
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# $FreeBSD$
GPPDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../../contrib/libg++
.PATH: ${GPPDIR}/libg++/src ${GPPDIR}/libg++/genclass
all: genclass
CLEANFILES+= genclass
PROTODIR= /usr/share/libg++
VERSION!= sed -n -e '/^VERSION/s/VERSION *= *\(.*\)/\1/p' \
< ${GPPDIR}/libg++/Makefile.in
#genclass prototypes
GEN= AVLMap.ccP AVLMap.hP AVLSet.ccP AVLSet.hP AVec.ccP AVec.hP \
BSTSet.ccP BSTSet.hP Bag.ccP Bag.hP CHBag.ccP CHBag.hP \
CHMap.ccP CHMap.hP CHNode.ccP CHNode.hP CHSet.ccP CHSet.hP \
DLDeque.ccP DLDeque.hP DLList.ccP DLList.hP Deque.ccP Deque.hP \
FPQueue.ccP FPQueue.hP FPStack.ccP FPStack.hP FPlex.ccP FPlex.hP \
List.ccP List.hP MPlex.ccP MPlex.hP Map.ccP Map.hP \
OSLBag.ccP OSLBag.hP OSLSet.ccP OSLSet.hP OXPBag.ccP OXPBag.hP \
OXPSet.ccP OXPSet.hP PHPQ.ccP PHPQ.hP PQ.ccP PQ.hP \
PSList.hP PVec.hP Plex.ccP Plex.hP Queue.ccP Queue.hP \
RAVLMap.ccP RAVLMap.hP RPlex.ccP RPlex.hP SLBag.ccP SLBag.hP \
SLList.ccP SLList.hP SLQueue.ccP SLQueue.hP SLSet.ccP SLSet.hP \
SLStack.ccP SLStack.hP Set.ccP Set.hP SkipBag.ccP SkipBag.hP \
SkipMap.ccP SkipMap.hP SkipSet.ccP SkipSet.hP SplayBag.ccP SplayBag.hP \
SplayMap.ccP SplayMap.hP SplayNode.ccP SplayNode.hP \
SplayPQ.ccP SplayPQ.hP SplaySet.ccP SplaySet.hP Stack.ccP Stack.hP \
VHBag.ccP VHBag.hP VHMap.ccP VHMap.hP VHSet.ccP VHSet.hP \
VOHSet.ccP VOHSet.hP VQueue.ccP VQueue.hP VStack.ccP VStack.hP \
Vec.ccP Vec.hP XPBag.ccP XPBag.hP XPDeque.ccP XPDeque.hP \
XPPQ.ccP XPPQ.hP XPQueue.ccP XPQueue.hP XPSet.ccP XPSet.hP \
XPStack.ccP XPStack.hP XPlex.ccP XPlex.hP \
defs.hP intSList.hP intVec.hP
genclass: genclass.sh
sed -e 's@^PROTODIR=.*$$@PROTODIR=$$\{PROTODIR-${PROTODIR}\}@' \
-e 's/<VERSION>/${VERSION}/' < ${.ALLSRC} > genclass
${INSTALL} -C -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 \
${GEN:S;^;${GPPDIR}/libg++/src/gen/;} \
${INSTALL} ${COPY} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${BINMODE} genclass \
.include <bsd.prog.mk>