A PHP class that provides access to Ubiquiti's [**UniFi SDN Controller**](https://unifi-sdn.ui.com/) API, versions 4.X.X and 5.X.X of the UniFi SDN Controller software are supported (version 5.12.72 has been confirmed to work) as well as UbiOS-based controllers (version 5.12.59 has been confirmed to work). This class is used by our API browser tool which can be found [here](https://github.com/Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-browser).
The package can be installed manually or using composer/[packagist](https://packagist.org/packages/art-of-wifi/unifi-api-client) for easy inclusion in your projects.
- a server with PHP, version 5.5.0 or higher, and the PHP cURL module installed (tested on Apache 2.4 with PHP Version 5.6.1 and cURL 7.42.1 and with PHP 7.2.24 and cURL 7.58.0)
- direct network connectivity between this server and the host and port (normally TCP port 8443) where the UniFi Controller is running
Support for UbiOS-based controllers (UniFi Dream Machine Pro) has been added as of version 1.1.47. The class automatically detects UbiOS devices and adjusts URLs and several functions/methods accordingly. If your own code applies strict validation of the URL that is passed to the constructor, please adapt your logic to allow URLs without a port suffix when dealing with a UbiOS-based controller.
The preferred installation method is through [composer](https://getcomposer.org). Follow these [installation instructions](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md) if you do not already have composer installed.
When git is done cloning, include the file containing the class like so in your code:
### Download the Release
If you prefer not to use composer or git, you can simply [download the package](https://github.com/Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-client/archive/master.zip), uncompress the zip file, then include the file containing the class in your code like so:
## Example usage
A basic example how to use the class:
* load the class using the composer autoloader
* initialize the Unifi API connection class, log in to the controller and request the alarms collection
* (this example assumes you have already assigned the correct values to the variables used)
$unifi_connection = new UniFi_API\Client($controller_user, $controller_password, $controller_url, $site_id, $controller_version, true);
1. In the above example, `$site_id` is the short site "name" (usually 8 characters long) that is visible in the URL when managing the site in the UniFi SDN Controller. For example with this URL:
2. The last optional parameter that is passed to the constructor in the above example (`true`), enables validation of the controller's SSL certificate which is otherwise **disabled** by default. It is highly recommended to enable this feature in production environments where you have a valid SSL cert installed on the UniFi Controller that is associated with the FQDN in the `controller_url` parameter. This option was added with API client version 1.1.16.
The class currently supports the following functions/methods to GET/POST/PUT/DELETE data through the UniFi Controller API. Please refer to the comments in the source code for more details on the functions/methods and their respective parameters.
There is still work to be done to add functionality and further improve the usability of this class, so all suggestions/comments are welcome. Please use the GitHub [issue list](https://github.com/Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-client/issues) or the Ubiquiti Community forums (https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Wireless/PHP-class-to-access-the-UniFi-controller-API-updates-and/td-p/1512870) to share your suggestions and questions.
Many of the functions in this API client class are not officially supported by UBNT and as such, may not be supported in future versions of the UniFi Controller API.