- Move Test array settings down so you don't accidentally delete sites
- Don't delete sites in debug mode.
- Automatically adopt device if it matches the configured LAN settings, ofcourse this only works correctly when LAN settings are unique between sites.
for setting the information, although the site configuration is returned whole as one object.
I also added a provisioning example that I use with our internal ERP that automatically creates, updates and deletes sites according to internal ERP
site information. I added a settings template that has a couple of the most useful defaults, like auto upgrade, country and locale.
- added a 6th parameter to the constructor to enable SSL cert verification, recommended for production environments
- added examples/change_wlan_password.php to demonstrate WLAN password/PSK change
- updated main README accordingly
- more relaxed handling of $site in set_site(), now we only issue an error message when provided (short) site name is probably incorrect and debug mode is
- added test_connection.php, a command line script which can be used to quickly test the connection to your controller with various cURL options which you can
quickly change