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1] Installation
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1] Comparison to Linux commands
1] Installation
1] Non Compliant Applications
2] Building Packages in HardenedBSD
2] Building the memstick and ISO
2] Repair a broken system
2] Stable To Current
2] Tor ified Home Network
2] Upgrade HBSD 11.2 to version 12
3] Development Branches and Workflow
3] Secure Binary Update Mechanism
4] Use local_unbound for user prefered DNS
8] HBSD SF list
8] idea todo
8] paxctl memo
8] paxlog
9] grsec_and_pax_options_linux5.4
own infra
1] Installation
Loic edited this page 2021-10-28 04:00:09 -04:00
Example for hardenedbsd-13-stable USB-stick
List installers
# pkg install -y ca_root_nss
$ fetch https://ci-01.nyi.hardenedbsd.org/pub/hardenedbsd/13-stable/amd64/amd64/BUILD-LATEST/CHECKSUMS.SHA512
$ fetch https://ci-01.nyi.hardenedbsd.org/pub/hardenedbsd/13-stable/amd64/amd64/BUILD-LATEST/memstick.img.asc
$ fetch https://ci-01.nyi.hardenedbsd.org/pub/hardenedbsd/13-stable/amd64/amd64/BUILD-LATEST/memstick.img
# pkg install -y pgpgpg
$ gpg --keyserver hkps://zimmermann.mayfirst.org --recv-key 6FFD188D
$ gpg --fingerprint 6FFD188D
$ gpg --verify memstick.img.asc memstick.img
$ if grep "^$(sha512 memstick.img)$" CHECKSUM.SHA512;then echo "OK"; else echo "WARNIG!!";fi
# dd if=memstick.img of=/dev/sdX bs=64k
After install
# pkg upgrade && pkg install -y git-lite beadm
# hbsd-update -V -b `date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
Get ports
# git clone --single-branch --branch hardenedbsd/main https://git.hardenedbsd.org/hardenedbsd/ports.git /usr/ports/
And to maintain alignment of your ports tree
# cd /usr/ports && git pull
Get src
# git clone --single-branch --branch hardened/13-stable/master https://git.hardenedbsd.org/hardenedbsd/HardenedBSD.git /usr/src
similarly to maintain your /usr/src (analogous to svnlite update /usr/src
# cd /usr/src && git pull